Monday 30 November 2015

Mini-blog Britain First

I should preface this by saying that I oppose everything Britain First stand for. I think they are nothing but a group of right-wing reactionaries who are threatening our long history of being a multicultural and welcoming society with their dogmatic and frankly horrible attitudes.

That being said they are, to my shame, considered to be a legitamate campaigning group representing a section of the community dissatisfied by mainstream politicians and I was appalled to see today that they have had their facebook page taken down under hate speech rules. I said it a few days ago, freedom of speech matters. I may disagree with Britain First but I'm not going to try to silence them nor do I support anyone else doing the same.

I won't urge people to oppose this move but I do hope people will see this attack on free speech for what it is and spare a moments thought for how far it might end up going.

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