Thursday, 26 November 2015

Thursday mini-blog - Conservatives for Liberty

For my miniblog today I thought I would advertise the work of a group of bold Conservatives with whom I am very familiar. The Conservatives for Liberty are an independent libertarian, free market and socially liberal campaign group. I first came into contact with Conservatives for Liberty when I moved to London some months ago and since then I have become a regular at their monthly pint and a patter event. They are very welcoming and a credit to the hospitallity of those on our side of the political debate.

Last night they held a wonderful and well attended event in Westminster: 
'Forgive us our Trespasses: The moral case for choice and responsibility '

The event had a range of speakers and we were honoured to have good solid Conservatives like John Redwood talking about the need for people to take back some responsibility for their own lives and stop handing authority to the state to make decisions on their behalf. It was a very enlightening discussion and all the speakers we're brilliant - especially those from the 2015 intake of MPs who brought a fresh perspective to the debate.

I urge everybody reading to go and look at the Conservatives for Liberty website because I guarentee that if you are a Conservative of sound mind you will find them to be a refreshing sight in a society that increasingly devalues our personal liberties.

You can find them here at:

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